Mathare Valley

Mathare Slum is one of the oldest and the worst slums in Africa. Situated three miles east of Nairobi city's central business district, Mathare slum is home to over 700,000 people occupying an area of two miles long by one mile wide. Because of congestion, survival is a daily battle for the resident's against the backdrop of diseases, crime, prostitution and lawlessness.

Life in Mathare slums is pathetic and unbearable for everyone who resides and visits the slums. Most residents are engaged in small-scale petty businesses either in their 6 X 8' makeshift housing structures or on narrow open raw sewer filled alley ways, it would take a miracle for these hand-to-mouth investments to blossom into big-time business. However the manner in which these slum dwellers carry on with life is owe-inspiring and remarkable.

The children and youth in Mathare slums live under deplorable conditions. Most of the children come from single parented homes, while others come from very poor families since their parents are sick, unemployed or underemployed. Orphans who are helpless after both or one of their parents die of HIV-Aids or other causes are forced to face the harsh reality of unbearable slum life. These children and youth have no one to care for them in this dangerous slum.

It is with this backround in mind that We set out to better the lives of people living around this informal settlement.

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