OCC and MCO have developed sound collaboration with a number of like-minded organizations both locally and internationally. They have been instrumental in assisting us towards achieving our objectives. They include;
1.Compassion International Kenya Office
2.Compassion Canada
3.Bright Hope International
4.Bright Hope World
5.Twin International
6.Missions of Hope International
7.Chertsy Street Baptist Church UK
8.World Food Programme
9.Mathare Support Fund (Peter Hills)
11.Dignitas Programme
12.Ministry of Education Kenya
13.ChildCare International
14.Mikono Midogo, Moyo Mkubwa
15.WFP/Feed the Children
16.Education Effect
17.Community Jiko
18.Mamma Africa Italia
19.Inverted Arts
In addition OCC and MCO receive support from some friends (both individuals and organizations), mostly as one time donations and grants.
Mathare valley is a collection of 3 villages – No. 10, Mathare 4A and Mathare 4B – with an estimated population of 600,000
HIV/AIDS is amajor issue with high infection rates in the area.
majority of the household are headed by single women, many of whom have been in abusive relationships.